Tony Blair is saying we wont be terrorised but I'm scared. I came back from weymouth via Bristol and Birmingham and I found myself giving anyone with a slightly Arab-look a second glance to see if they had a suspicious rucksack. I know it's irational and slightly racist but I can't help it. These people are among us, a sleeper cell could be in your street. One thing we must not do is assume all Muslims are terrorists. 99.99% are exactly like everyone else and just get on with their lives. These nutters don't represent Islam any more than the Klu Klux Klan represent Christianity.
You can't even be sure the "suspects" will be Arab-looking. Some of them have white supporters like that guy that tried to carry a bomb on a plane. He was white and British.
However, their aim is to divide and rule and we must try not to succumb.(?)
You can't even be sure the "suspects" will be Arab-looking. Some of them have white supporters like that guy that tried to carry a bomb on a plane. He was white and British.However, their aim is to divide and rule and we must try not to succumb.(?)
The shoebomber, Richard Read? I thought he looked distinctly Asian.
that's sad.