I never got my hair permed went for the David Cassidy look... *cringes*
I'm off to Butlins for the seventies weekend in December. Now that should be a real mad weekend.
I loved the high waistband trousers with huge balloon bell bottoms lol does make me laugh thinking about those and how cool we thought we looked.
David Cassidy was delicious! He still is!
What are you 70s hates? Mine have to be:
The Bay City Rollers
ET biscuits
70s game shows and variety shows
Cannon & Ball, Little & Large,
Charlie George
Anything to do with silver jubilee
American tan tights
Starsky cardigan
Rolf Harris
Wurzel Gummidge
Status Quo
Long, pointed collars
Tank tops
Vesta Chicken Supreme
Flared trousers with high waistbands (at least 3 buttons)
Do any of you remember these mags from the 70s:
Jackie (or course, you MUST remember jackie)
Any more?
My Guy
Blue Jeans (think that was 1980)
Look In
In the early 70's I was still reading Judy, Mandy, Jinty, Tammy and Bunty if my mam was buying . If my dad was buying it was Beano, Dandy, Topper, Whizzer & chips, Whooppee.
You missed out Cor lol. Billy Whizz was cool with his little curl.
BTW I've put some pics up on the Why the 70's page if you want to see me in my little shorties
lol Noooooooooooo
I'm not as girlie..... little shorts when I was a nipper.
Do any of you remember these mags from the 70s:PinkJackie (or course, you MUST remember jackie)ValentineAny more?
Fabulous 208
Popster (the poster magazine)
OK (completely different from the current OK magazine!)
I used to get them all!!
Hi Just had this posted on my forums.
Jackie Annual Just saw on GMTV, that they are bringing out a seventies edition of the Jackie Annual at christmas, it has articles, piccies and stories from the seventies, with some interviews of pop stars back then. Looked quite nostalgic Hattie
Ah, all those cheesey stories - 'Cathy & Claire', 'Dear Doctor.' Interview with 'pop stars' that never became pop stars such as Andy and David Williams (twin nephews of the ancient Andy Williams).
I shall have to look out for it!