Believe it or not I have registered on this website as a result of finally finding true enjoyment out of Galaxy. I have always been a dairymilk man myself, always!! Never ever bought a galaxy bar. But then last week there were several boxes of these promises delivered into my dept as samples, and hey, i thought they have cracked it. I didnt like the caramel one as much but the others were what i describe as a perfect combination. If you drink coffee, you'll love the coffee variant, and if you like nuts the H'nut is perfect (better than a wholenut? possibly) and if you like anythink with a crunch, to cocoa crisp is definately mmmmm nice. The caramel is mere;ly a twist of dark and milk galaxy, nothing too exciting. I have a nice little stash of the bars in my desk and also at home. My 7 year old loves them too, my wife polished a whole bar of the hazelnut last night, and my 5 and 2 yeard old will eat anythiung sweet. Its a bit like dr pepper, try it , tou'll love it. thanks xx