Oldspice wrote "there is an age of consent for boys in this country. It's the same as for girls. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to have sexual intercourse"
Sorry Oldspice you're wrong. For example, it's lawful for a 16 year old girl to have sex in a consensual relationship with a 15 year old boy. Check with a policeman if you don't believe me.
Oldspice wrote "As the mother of two teenagers, (girl 16 nearly 17, and boy 18 nearly 19) I would be very concerned if an adult in their 30s showed a sexual interest in either of them"
And in your situation so would I, but of course showing an interest and just looking aren't quite the same.
Incidentally Oldspice, I am 40 and my girlfriend was 43 on Tuesday. But thanks for putting me im my 30's