I'm v. peeved with Cadbury. I came up with [what I thought was] a very good idea for a new product. It's basically Cadbury "Buttons" covered in hundreds and thousands [you know like the ones you get in "pick and mixes" but the chocolate isn't real chocolate and tastes foul? But made with Cadbury chocolate they would be heavenly] I thought they could launch these in milk and white chocolate and call them Cadbury "Rainbow" Buttons-inspired!!!.
But instead of even thanking me for the idea I just got a standard reply letter that they send to marketing students with a brochure telling me all about the company. Looks like they didn't even read my letter as I am not a student!
Right now my happiness hates Cadbury. And yeah those ads are terrible! V. patronising like we're all 3 years old or something.
Grrr......just had to get that off my chest