I don't think anything could put me off chocolate for life - but have any of you ever had an experience that came close?
When I was 13 on a school trip to France we were given packed lunches every day. The French are not known for their skill at catering for vegetarians, and one day Monsieur Chef decided he was fed up with giving me cheese baguettes every day, came up with something new - chocolate baguettes. No, not chocolate-flavoured bread, or chocolate spread filled baguettes, but buttered baguettes with stick of dark chocolate as the filling.
It sounds like it could almost be nice in sweet/savoury contrast way, but trust me, it wasn't.
I managed to eat it the first day, but then I was given it again for the journey home and it turned my stomach. Even though I was starving I ended up throwing half of it away. Suffice to say, I have stuck to chocolate in bars and cakes from then on!