I don't know how to say this, but.... I am almost done buying presents...
I have my 'ones of twelve' for the kids and their main presents are 'on order'.
I have the gifts I wanted for my mum and my partner, now I just need to get some wrapping paper and I'm good to go.
I would love to be able to leave Xmas until December because I think it would be much more festive and exciting, but if I did that I would probably not be able to afford to eat again until sometime around July..

I do each of my kids a 'survival box'. I take a box (around shoebox size) and in it I put a few of the things they would find it hard to live without. Things like Peppermint tea, J20, Magic Stars and Skittles for my boy, and Skittles, Licorice Allsorts, Mint humbugs and Dolly Mixtures for my girl. I wrap each item individually, and pop them in the box, and then wrap the box too.
In the past I've bought things like puzzle books, reading books, funny socks, lipstick, Sharpie pens, colourful shoe laces, My Little Pony figures, oh all kinds of things my kids were raving about. The boxes can cost as little as a few pounds, to, well whatever you want to spend really. The bits and pieces can be popped into a shopping trolley a couple at a time and spread over quite a few weeks it lessens the impact on the budget quite nicely. They are a way of showing my kids I actually do listen to them when they talk about the things they love, and they always seem to really enjoy opening them, lots of 'ooohs' and 'ahhhs' and 'what have you got?', and 'see what I've got' can be heard.
Much fun..
Perhaps adults would like something like that too..