Oh the 1950's and 60's. Really?
No I'm not as mature as all that.
I found this, I think this is what I was thinking about.
It's a link to a relevant picture I promise, but if anyone wants to remove it I won't be offended.
http://candyland.ie/Cadbury-Snack-King-Size-BlockOH I used to love Black Magic chocolates, they were always the ones my fella bought for me whenever he had done something he needed to apologise for. He just knew they were the only ones that would get him off the hook. lol
I was addicted to the toffee and mallow centres.
So when I was bought a box a few months ago I was really excited, and they were absolutely awful.
Half of the flavours I remembered were missing, the chocolate wasn't as dark as I remember it, and there was something wrong with the taste of them. Of course this might be my memory playing tricks on me, but I don't think so.
Was the chocolate I remember 20 years ago really so much better than the stuff we have now? My memory tells me that it was.