Plus I am almost <i>certain<i/> that I saw Marc de Champagne ones in Waitrose the other day.
Perhaps they will foray into an entire gamut of liqeur flavours... Kirsch, Absinthe, Pernod, apricot brandy, Grand Marnier (with dark chocolate), Curacao, Malibu (actually that would work well with white chocolate and coconut), mint baileys (again, with dark chocolate)... they could do a mixed liqeur coronet. The revenue from the marketing and novel appeal might<i/> just break even, if not yield profit. Though given the current market and economic situation it may be touch and go, even with Christmas and/plus the feel-good factor of chocolate/gifting as a market.
If Lindor did not taste like disgusting sickly sickly balls of slimy nauesating creamyness I would be almost excited.