I think we have to draw a line here. On one side are the 'groupies' and on the other are the victims of predatory paedo's/sex attackers. Back in the day there was a massive groupie culture, one that stretches beyond the BBC into the world of music and art. These girls/boys knew exactly what they were doing and what they wanted, and it would be unfair for these girls/boys to suddenly start pointing the finger at John Peel and Tony Blackburn. On the other hand, people like Savile, Jonathan King and Paul Gadd were nasty pieces of work who's lust for power spilled over into the exploitation of minors.
As for Freddie Starr, he's just bonkers and I don't believe for a second that he is part of the 'ring', as it were. He should have been honest from the start, though, about his kinship with Savile.