just been reading through the old smoking ban thread for old times sake... DAMN! i was more than a little aggressive in those days getting my point across! i think it was the fact that i'd only just got an internet connection that i used all those capital letters and acted so passionately about a topic a don't really give a damn about. i used to be a bit of a 'troll' back in the day. (it's always embarrassing when you share an opinion with people who are complete pr*cks, so just for that reason i should have distanced myself from them.)
just like to say i never properly read thread histories in those days either, so i completely missed all the nastiness directed towards smurfy (and others, but mainly the blue guy.) that was completely out of order in every way. when it comes to this sort of thing, i will usually force myself to change my opinion just not to side with the p*icks.
anyway, what was my point? NO SMOKING BAN! NO MORE 1984!