I read the story in the Daily Mail yesterday(not my usual paper, hubby picked it up on the train to get the Tesco vouchers!). Apparently, MJ and Mark were good friends due to MJ contacting ML back in the 1980s because Oliver was one of MJ's favourite films.
According to ML's ex-wife, ML is crazy and is cashing in on a long dead friendship. ML counter-cliams that his ex-wife is an alchoholic (all good Daily Mail stuff I believe).
It seems that for the first two children, ML sent his sperm which was inseminated into Debbie Rowe. For the third child (mysteriously called Blanket) ML's sperm fertilised a donor egg, which was then inplnated into a surrogate mother.
I am horrified that such things are allowed. How can someone be allowed to just make a baby out of bits and bobs donated by friends and then carried by a third party? Doesn't a child deserve a proper family, a proper extended family? Doesn't a child, as far as is possible, have the right to be created in love and not just at the whim of a sad, damaged pop star with too much money?
Am I being too harsh?