Agreed, but something has to be done to these people (mainly men) who abuse children. We keep letting them out and they just re-offend. I don't understand how someone can be sexually interested in pre-dolescent children, but there is obviously those that are. We as a society need to face up to this and deal with it. If these people chose to act upon their feelings and I include downloading images in 'acting upon it', then they should face the consequences.
The other side effect of this inability of our society to deal with the problem effectively has been to introduce paranoia when it comes to innocent images of children. I believe this has grown out of a public uncertainty and lack of confidence in the judiciary. There is a tendency for people to think that while the perverts are out there we have to be paranoid about protecting children from innocent attention. This is almost uniquely a British problem. You can openly and freely photograph children in Europe without anyone so much as raising an eyebrow - and that's how it should be. Children are naturally photogenic. I will not vote at the next general election unless one of the parties make this a major manifesto issue.