Netbuddy wrote: Whatever happend to quality programming? Oh, thats right, they moved it to pay channels on cable & satilite TV.
Most of the programmes you mentioned (Jerry Springer, Riki Lake, Montrell) ARE on cable and satilite TV.
Yeah they may be but I am talking about "Quality" tv programming that USED to be on terestrial channels and non pay cable and satilite. This drivel of reality shows and whatever jerry & his crew go under the guise of is nothing more than Fishwife TV.
Thankfully herself does not watch that stuff, waste-of-space TV she calls it and quite rightly she say she would rather do something else with her time that is constructive.
Shame that chavs cant see those shows for what they are.
What we need is not more programs but less and that brings back the quality in programs.
Life used to be simpler, we had 4 channels before channel 5, if you wanted more, you went to the video shop.
Because of the lack of quality programming and the increase in licence fees, I got rid of my TV and all the stuff like cable and currently save myself over £1,000 a year. When you look at what your paying for, what it costs to run, what you pay for on pay-per-view film channels, your best off going old skool and watching what you want, when you want and not being pushed in to this constant mind sucking drivel thats pumped in to our living rooms.
When you take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Satilite TV, you pay what per month? to get bombarded with adverst that mint the companys like sky multibillion turnover alone and then they expect you to pay for it. ITV supports itself via advertising, why not companys like sky and Virgin media & co.?