There was a case recently where a child put a baby in the washing machine to 'clean it's nappy'
It died, other kid was questioned on murder.
Was it ok Lou?
No it was dead. But apparently it smelt nice.
you must get a toffee thorntons egg...they have bits of toffee in them and you get lots of other goodies with them - they rule!
Yes I have heard these are nice. I prefer Thorntons toffee to their chocolate.
Quote from: chocolate chickWas it ok Lou? No it was dead. But apparently it smelt nice.
My boyfriends cat has had 3 kittens.
Remind him to dry them with a towel...
Had to think about this but penny dropped .That's funny.
No not yet. I think I am gonna have to. We named the last lot she had.
The one I like looks like a Lula
Well I would but my favourite teddy is called lou lou.
Good choice.