OK, new week, new whinge! Today - old people!
What is it about elderly folk? They moan and moan about various bodily parts not working and the price of <insert consumable here> today, but watch them when they're off to the bookies/pub! They'll knock you out the bloody way!
Then, they moan about younger kids having no manners! Oi, 'stones' and 'glass houses', grandad! They spit, throw their litter on the floor and push their way past you in the shops. You open the door for them and they just walk past, no thanks, no nothing!
I think they're at their worst in a checkout queue. The number of times I've been nudged up the aisle by a moaning, disgruntled geriatric is countless. Their main weapon of choice is a shopping trolley, which they use as a battering ram. It's like they want to keep up with their food whilst it's going along the conveyor. Like I'm going to nick it!
Anyone else hate any of this?