We're going on a journey to the edge of sanity, the walls of reality, or something like that. Anyway, I was bored at work and decided I wanted to hurt some people's brains...
Does anyone here question the universe they live in? How big is it? Does it have walls? Imagine it doesn't. Imagine that it's just part of one infinite stretch of darkness. How does that feel? How can that be? If the universe we live in does have a barrier, what's on the other side? Ooh, that's freaky!
Now, if that thought was scary, what about time? This universe was created by the Big Bang, this is accepted. There are probably many Big Bangs happening all over an infinite expanse. So, how long has this infinite expanse been here? You see, if it began somehow, what was before it? That's doubly freaky!
Face it that, in a world where we say so much is impossible or supernatural, we
have to accept that we live amongst an infinite expanse that had no beginning and will probably never end.
Sleep well...