Why don't Cadbury do a "Pick 'n' Mix" selection then?
It would be good for choice and interesting to see what customers actually buy most of.
The problem with company's like cadburys is that they try to out do the competition, the battle for countline space is very competitive and product placement has allot to do with the turn over. Next time your in a shop like a news agent, check out the sweet & chocolate products that are closest to the till, that indicates that the shop owner got a good deal from that company / manufacturer.
So when people like cadburys reps are out and they sell to a shop keeper a K's woth of business, this distorts the sales figures and product lines that appear to not sell get removed because of the company's own and competitors trading practices.
Basically they're shooting themselves in the foot. If they took a step back and looked at the bigger picture, they would actually find that most of their product lines sell really well, what screws things up is when the reps write business and start giving good prices on popular lines, of course Mr Shop keeper is going to shell out a wedge because he / she can see that they will be making their return and more of it.
In reply to the quoted text, I whole heartedly agree with that one, its a shame that these manufacturers don't do this type of research rather than to rely on sales figures that are distorted by the offers that they give to shop keepers and retail outlets.