Who need places like face book...
I keep on bumping in to people I either knew or worked with when I lived in at home.
I have moved to several places around the UK and when I moved to Reading, I bump in to an old work friend in a local pub, two years after that, I meet a friend I hadn't seen in 8 years. Went on holiday to Spain... met an old girlfriend.
TBH I can not go anywhere without bumping in to someone I know.
As for people in this thread talking about other contacting you on places like facebook, this is just as said a popularity contest as well as that they are also measuring their success against yours.
I generally use one of these ploys...
I give them a mental picture that I have not been successful and had many stints at her majesty's pleasure, been dependent on drugs for several years and currently they are interrupting you from nicking the PC your on at the local library.
I am too busy to reply to minions these days, I have 4 major factories in developing country's that I exploit the native work force and earn a few million a year at it and I am now packing a travel bag as I have to go off to some province in a backwater town in China to buy a factory...
My name is now Jeanie, I had gender reassignment a couple of years ago, fancy meeting up for a pint *wink *wink
Who are you? Why are you bothering me? I don't remember anyone from school, thats how dull people were.
Or I may use a mix n mash up of all of them. This is great because people will often not bother contacting you again.