Sometime last week I emailed the choc admin to deal with an issue that I thought was server related...
ANYONE who is using the latest branch of FireFox, Version 3, in particular 3.0.4 may experience issues.
I have tried to poke Mozilla about the issue but in typical fachion, no response other than the ususal responses that I get of have you cheked... blah blah blah, well yes actually I have....
The attached image is a jpg screen shot of the difference between FireFox & MSIE. As you can see, under FireFox the images never show. I had the same issue with links in the your fav music thread. When I view that page in FireFox, it fails to render the page correctly and only the last two links in the list show...
First off, sorry to chocadmin for the run around, it turns out to be a faulty browser update.
This is not the only issue, on a tech side of things, the browser fails to use the HOSTS file, for most that will mean nowt but to myself, it is significant in as far as I tested out my theory bt putting in a record for and gave it the IP address of and when requested, the URL should have loaded the page instead... It didn't.
I also noticed that it performs way too many DNS lookups when it does not need to, this behavious was not present in version 2 of the browser.
It appears to me that FireFox are going down hill rapidly and digging a bigger hole with each browser update, some issues have not been resolved from the first release of version 3.
I also have noted that this branch f the browser also fails to load pages properly with a >60% failure rate. Often I have to hit F5 key to force the browser to go to the page, if a link fails, when I open it in a new tab, the page loads instantly
?? Failing that I have to close the browser completely and open up the page again.
This is costly for me as my ISP charges per bit in and out of the PC and you still get charged on the tarrif even if the page fails to load!!! Nice one "3", not only have you robbed me but your bending your customers over and giving them the golden rivet.
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