Okay, I've been holding off on this, but it's time someone said something.
Jim, it seems like every time you come on here lately, you're doing nothing but complaining about how dead the forum is. There was even a thread in which you referred to us as 'sad bastards wasting our lives on a dead chocolate forum'. Then in other threads you have complained the forum is unfriendly! Please explain what, if anything, about your behaviour would make anyone want to be friendly towards you?
The thread was edited (note edited, not deleted) because Chocadmin does not allow free advertising on this site. As the original poster was polite enough to ask if he/she could advertise the product range, I equally politely explained that this is not allowed, but offered him/her the alternative of making Chocolate Review an affiliate. If you, or any other member, is that desperate to know about this member's product range, there is nothing to stop you sending him or her a PM. The name of the range is even in the username, for heaven's sake! You could easily use Google and your initiative.