I emailed Cadbury recently about the idea of a Caramel Flake and this is what they said:"Whilst I am unable to reveal future marketing plans,I can inform you that we have already explored very similar ideas to the one you outlined. Our Research and Development Team, in partnership with the Marketing Department continually investigate new product ideas..."(bla bla bla)To me it seems as though they are basically admitting that they will do a caramel Flake, though I'm not sure. What does everyone else think?
I think it would have to be chewy. I'm also slightly suspicious of their statement - it sounds a bit like they like the idea, but don't want someone else taking the credit...
Sounds nice by the way.
I can't remember what I wrote to them with-a new bar suggestion, obviously, and got the exact same reply.
I haven't seen sight of anything that I might have proposed, but good luck if they take you up on your idea!
No worries!
You could have left me a note or something, though.
Withdrawal anxiety, on top of everything else...
Oh, god!