If you extrapolate that figure to include all or most of the Revel eating public, coffee is most certainly a very unpopular flavour - so why not just exclude it for good?
How so? It could be taken that those who hate coffee represent 41% thus 59% do not dislike this flavour (or at least not enough to vote it their most hated Revel).
250,000 people voted. Are they representitive of the views of the remaining Revel eaters who did not vote?
A lot also voted to get rid of raisin (26%) so it wasn't that clear cut.
Sorry Oldspice, I'm not trying to pick on you, more just play "Devil's advocate".
I am also wary of any statistics as they can be used to show/prove any point you wish to make.
Don't get me wrong, if coffee never came back I for one would be happy (goodness knows I voted often enough to get rid of it!).
See? These statistics are deeply flawed.