Talking of which there was once a website about a woman who got off on ureutha sex :S
How on earth do you find these websites? On second thoughts don't tell me - I don't want to know!
People send me links, I know alot of men who are deprived of sex.
Seriously, this woman gradually stretched it till she could be fisted there, it was not a pleasant read.
Don't forget the Mogadon.
I've just noticed something else to add to the list, having had the day off from work and been reduced to watching the odd daytime TV programme (big mistake).
Why is it that on cookery programmes you now always have to cook/fry/bake things 'off'. Can't you just cook them, instead of cooking them off? Off what? Or does this have an additional meaning I'm not aware of?
I hadn't noticed until you said it, but you're right, they do all say that!
As far as I'm concerned, food should only ever be finished off!