He writes in the Sunday Times that he used to gorge on food and then vomit.
He explains how he could "sup a whole tin of condensed milk", eat trifles "for ever" and eat his way through his favourite Chinese restaurant's menu.
Mr Prescott, who stepped down from Labour's front bench last year after ten years as deputy PM, said people would never suspect he suffered from the disorder and that some could accuse him of not being "a very successful bulimic" because his weight did not drop.
He said he began binging and vomiting during his years in the shadow cabinet in the 1980s, but the condition got worse when Labour came to power in 1997.
"So what I did was stuff my face with anything around, any old rubbish, burgers, chocolate, crisps, fish and chips, loads of it, till I felt sick - but at least I'd had the pleasure of stuffing my face and feeling really full. (That's f-o-o-l, John)
"Then there would be a weird kind of pleasure in vomiting and feeling relieved."(My god! He was eating while at it with his secretary?)
Secret eating
He continued: "I could sup a whole tin of Carnation condensed milk, just for the taste, stupid things like that. Marks & Spencer trifles, I still love them, one of my favourites. I can eat them for ever. (No you can't you fat turd, you'll die one day like the rest of us.)
"Whenever I go to Mr Chu's in Hull, my favourite Chinese restaurant in the whole world . . . I could eat my way through the entire menu." (Anyone seen the "Fat sl*g's" video?)
He speaks of trying to hide his bulimia from colleagues and his wife, Pauline.
"I thought, of course, I was being clever (well there is a first!), and no-one would ever know, but Pauline realised in the end. The signs in the toilet gave it away, and all the missing food." ]
I think he did well to hide from us all. I wonder how much he ate and didn't throw up?