It almost never snows in Nottingham. Seriously, if it does - it stays for about an hour and it's gone. The last time it seriously snowed here was December 10th 1990. It was so bad it brought down power lines and even some pylons as it was really sticky (type B snow) combined with strong winds. Some places were without power for five days.
Before that you have to go back to January 7th 1987. That was the coldest day ever in Nottingham - 17 °C. It snowed a couple of days earlier and snowed continuously for about a day and a half. There was snow lying around for about 10 days.
But for really serious snow you need to look at the winter of 1981 - 82 when there was lying snow for weeks on end. That was also the year that the record low temperature was set in the UK - 26.1 °C at Newport Shropshire.
Before that I guess it was 1963 and 1947. Looking at that periodicity we are WELL overdue a really bad winter.