Yesterday was not depressing as such but stressful. First, at 9.30am, I was called to deal with a fight in a classroom and by the time I arrived things had calmed down. However, when I got the boys out of the classroom and into the corridor for a chat it flared up again and a tall strong boy was intent on punching the other boy's lites out (even if it meant knocking me out first so he could get to him). I had to physically restrain the boy and calm things down until more help arrived.
Then, a bit later, my class was unexpectedly 'hit' by an internal inspection team of six who sat in on the lesson and picked it to pieces.
Today, again at 9.30am, we had a fire drill when I was on the top floor (third floor up) with a class. We followed evacuation procedure but because the 'fire' was along a corridor that we would normally evaculate along, we were sent on a detour through winding corridors and the group got separated so i got a blasting from the evac warden.
It looks like being a depressing week! (and here am I, very naughty, in the office typing this up!!).