Going "OMG!!! I remember that!!!" rather more than is probably sane. I've also been browsing the 'barchives' (look, it's 5am and I've not been to bed yet, best I could come up with!
Is it just me (and it might be because they're not in the 'discontinued' section) or does anyone else recall dark - I think they were dark - choccie almond Mars bars? They were only available, AFAICR, in the also now discontinued 'snack size' about 2/3rds the size of a standard bar (and I don't think quite as thick).
I used to absolutely ADORE THEM!!! I think because the almonds detracted from the otherwise rather sickly sweetness of the standard Mars (and the dark chocolate helped in that way, too.)
This was, of course, before my Damascus - I wouldn't touch anything manufactured by one of the Big Four these days - all my choccie is FairTrade (a must) and/or organic and my nibble of choice is M&S FairTrade milk because it's less sweet than Green & Black's as it contains 4% more cocoa solids (I know Cadbury's now own G&B's but they are still allowed to 'do their own thing' as it were - and its founder is hoping that some of his fair business practices will rub off on the CEO of Cadbury UK).
And, finally, did you 'pause for Applause' back in the mid-80s/early 90s?