Aww life will do that to you.
I'm glad you weren't hurt, and it must have been true love you saw in the other person, to give up your bike for them.
But you're right, there is still time. I don't know how old you are, and of course because you're a lady I would never ask. But bikes are something you never grow out of, and I think I'll need to be really really old before I admit that I am too old to ride safely anymore, and finally hang up my skid lid.
It will be a very sad day for me, but I'm a person who is honest with herself, and as much as I will hate it, I'll quit when I have to in order to be safe. But thankfully that day is a little way away for me yet. And so......Vroom vroom until then.
I hope you're able to get back onto two wheels very soon goldencup. Until then I'll say a vroom for you too...