Taken from an article in The New York Times Online:
Dr. Jacob Shani, chairman of the Cardiac Institute at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY. says "To boost your chances of getting a flavanol-rich bar, the best bet is to look for very dark chocolate with few added ingredients. And if you ask me whats more important, a little physical activity like walking or eating the chocolate, go take your walk,' said Dr. Shani. I dont think in the very near future were going to tell every patient go ahead and eat lots of chocolate. That would be too good to be true.'
According to the February issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter. "The darker the chocolate, the higher its likely to be in flavonoids. A typical bar of dark chocolate contains an average of 53.5 milligrams of flavonoids. A milk chocolate bar contains less than 14 milligrams, while white chocolate doesnt have any. And even though its good for you, you still have to pay attention to calories and fat."
This won't stop me eating chocolate, but unfortunately it will stop me from telling myself I'm doing it for the good of my health. Darn it!