
Do you eat the walnut that accompanies a Walnut Whip?

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Author Topic: Walnut Whips  (Read 31454 times)

Offline lilburne

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Re: Walnut Whips
« Reply #45 on: January 11, 2010, 03:26:25 pm »
Hello All

I came to this site as nobody would beleive me that it was 'Duncans Walnut Whip'
I was eating them when Churchill was P.M. and before Elizabeth was enthroned'
Could he realy be that old?  Would I joke about such a thing?

Yes they did have a walnut inside and one on top.
I vividly remember searching for 'the inside one' when they stopped it.
Shoppy wouldn't give me my money back either, or my sweet coupon.

One real tease for any member like me still above ground.
Does anybody remember a competitor to Mars Bars, a bar called Cress?


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Re: Walnut Whips
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2010, 05:53:00 pm »
Why would anyone want to call a chocolate bar, Cress?

Offline oldspice

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Re: Walnut Whips
« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2010, 06:19:58 pm »
Hello lilburne and welcome.

I remember when Walnut Whips were made by Duncans and they certainly had a walnut inside. i was overjoyed tio see the walnut inside go because i don't like nuts! Now I can simply remove the nut from the top and devour!

However, do you agree that the 'whippy' stuff inside is different from how it was fourty odd years ago? It seems stiff and sticky now whereas i remember it being creamier.

i don't remember Cress but i do remember a short-lived bar in the mid-1960s called Wisp which had a layer of stiff toffee at the bottom, a crispy malterser-like dome and the whole thing was covered in chocolate.

I also remember a lovely bar called Jellomello that had a thick strip of chewy marshamllow, a thick strip of turkish delight-like stuff on top and it was all covered in chocolate.

It's all so unfair now because when I was a kid I had no money for sweets and chocolates except those bought for me by generous relatives. Sweet treats were rare and well-remembered occasions. However, now I have a bit more money to throw around, all those lovely cream-filled bars of my childhood have gone forever, replaced by boring fillings like truffles, pralines, endless caramel variations and so on.

I long to go back to 1965 in a time machine with a £5 note and come back with Opal Mints, Mintesers, Jellomello Bars, Milk Tray Bars, Five Centres and other cream-filled delights.

By the way, do you miss the Lime Barrells in Milk Tray?
Old but spicey!