That's just mad. If people are banned from recycling the rubbish will end up on a landfill site, rotting away doing nothing!
What really bothers me with people in this city is that many of them refuse to sort their rubbish because they say 'it's the council's job'. They fill their bins, moan about not having a weekly collection - then blame the council when rubbish gets dumped all over the place. They moan that it's the council's fault for not collecting the rubbish weekly and say it's causing flytipping.
Now, to me, it's everyone's duty to take responsibility for the rubbish they generate. I believe we have a moral duty to recycle wherever possible and if our rubbish bins are getting full, we should ask ourselves why.
Neighbours of ours put newspaper in the rubbish bin. That's just not necessary. You can place it in the recycle bin, you can compost it, you can use it to clean windows, you can use it as insulation material, you can give it to local primamry schools to use in their art and craft classes - the list is endless!