I have noticed, as I'm sure have many of you, that the noble coffee cream has all but disappeared from our selection boxes and family size tins. In my mind, the time has come for a u-turn, for the chocolate companies to re-embrace this heavenly treat.
To this extent, I have formed an association to attempt to force these companies to re-introduce coffee creams. The Coffee Creams Association got off to a rather slow and uneventful start last year, but now I have discovered the kind and honest, chocolate-laving people who frequent this forum, and I feel you will be interested in my plight.
I have read many entries on this forum hinting of longing for coffee creams, attempts to find substitutes, and expressions of anger at their absence. Well now you can do something about it.
Visit http://www.coffeecreams.tk/ and discover people who share your interest, recipes for you to make your own coffee creams, a growing member base (slowly unfortunately, but why should I lie to you, we are all friends here) and also the chance to put coffee creams back in the boxes.
I understand that many people do not like coffee creams, and I am not attempting to convert those people, but those who long to be able to walk up to a box of chocolates and be everyone's favourite person because they ate the coffee cream should be able to, and this is my dream.
Please don't feel that by visiting the site you must become a member, just feel free to browse the site at you own pleasure. Also, please visit even if you don't particularly like coffee creams, you may decide that we have embarked on a worthwhile journey and wish to join us. If so, you are welcome to. Everyone is welcome in the C.C.A.!
Coffee Creams Association - Please just click the link!