Author Topic: Happy Birthday Loulou!  (Read 3466 times)

Offline loulou

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Happy Birthday Loulou!
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2007, 03:09:17 pm »

I didn't actually walk that good before going to the hospital I was sort of dragging it along. I live in an upstairs flat and I wouldn't be able to get up and down with a cast so i have it heavily bandaged but it is agony and constantly throbs. I am supposed to keep it elevated for 3 weeks (fat chance). I couldn't go that far on my birthday but I did manage to hobble into Debenhams sale and I skipped the painkillers to have some alcohol.Smile
A power-crazy bitch who lives in a fantasy world

Offline Scarlet Passion

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Happy Birthday Loulou!
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2007, 07:36:10 pm »
Oh dear, that sounds awfully painful, aswell as very inconvenient.
How do they expect a normal person with a busy life and work and home commitments to keep their feet up for 3 weeks? It would be easier to ask you to get the sun not to set!


I hope you managed to get some good bargains in Debenhams (gentlemen this just proves how much sales mean to us ladies. Be warned that it could be dangerous to get between a woman and a bargain. LOL)and I bet the alcohol worked better than painkillers would have anyway.Smile


When I was 11 I chipped a bone in my left ankle. They put my leg in a cast up to the knee for the whole of the summer holidays! I don't remember much about it except that it hurt for a while, and it itched more than anything. So far that's the only skirmish with broken bones I've had. (Finger's crossed it's all I have, full stop.)

I really hope you feel better very soon, and that you are soon pain free and doing the Salsa before the summer really begins.Big%20smile


Take care of yourself.
