You have my complete and utter sympathy. I too know that awful feeling of being trapped in a job that gives you no personal fullfilment. Yet the cost of living marches on leaving you feeling like you are on an endless treadmill.
For me the hardest part is the feeling of self disappointment at not being able to make changes. This has been highlighted by a change at work for me. I am a civil servant and 6 months ago I and about 120 colleagues were subjected to a compulsory transfer back to a department I had left 2 years ago because it was a nightmare to work in.
To try and take the bull by the horns I have decided to undertake a course of life coaching to try and help me focus on changes I want to make and how to set about them. The woman that I will be talking to gave me a lovely quote.
"Then the time came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom"
I know it might sound airy fairy, but I really understand that feeling of fear about change.
I wish you luck with any changes you make, or even if you decide to stay. Sometimes it just helps to know that there are options available to you, it can make the trap feel slighty less restricting.