Cheers for the interesting links, chocadmin.
The one in the Scotsman by 'BERTRAND ESPOUY ' is interesting.
He loves chocolate in it's purest form, but having tried an 85% cocoa, to me, it is liking eating an old cigar
His comment
"You can go and buy a chicken in the supermarket for £2.50 or you can go to a market in France and get one for £15 and what you will have, essentially, is two chickens. But the supermarket chicken will have been raised in a horrible environment, unable to move freely and will be pumped with antibiotics and all sorts of other things, which you will eat along with the chicken. The other one will have been raised on a farm, with lots of room to run about and fed on naturally-grown corn. At the end of the day, you pay a certain price and the price is linked to quality."
is to some extent true, but the antibiotics and all sorts of things bit is OTT. The FSA does ensure LA's conduct sampling to ensure such things are within the guidelines. I wonder what other things he thinks intensive rearing puts into them? Paxo?
The £15 part is the give away, he is essentially a food snob. Yes there is the other extreme of (too) cheap chickens, but come on, £15 for a bird?