I pick all the black ones out and eat them first.
I used to when they were liquorice flavoured. I think I'll keep my money in my pocket from now on.
As smurfboy said there are more important things in life. No-one could or really should argue with that. After all at the end of the day it is only a chocolate or sweet product and it's demise will not adversely affect the state of the nation.
But this is what we're all here on this forum for though isn't it? To discuss the yummy stuff we love, and all the stuff we used to love that isn't here any more? All too often the reason it isn't being made now is that one company bought the other company and then changed or discontinued a lot of the products because they were not 'economically viable', or did not 'fit in' with the product surveys that had been done. If there is a chance (however slim) to save one of those products then I will do what I can.
I will sign your petition DoKtor. I am not sure how much good it will do, large companies do not seem to want to hear what we have to say no matter what they say to the contrary, but I will sign it anyway.