Pink Yorkie handy for those who collect wrappers. Not much use to anyone else if taste is no different. Yorkies are a bit too sweet since Nestle got their hands on them.
Two companies I hate -
Nestle and Disney ( ) - closely followed by:
Great for people who collect wrappers
But I do see your point about it being the same flavour
Two companies I hate - Nestle and Disney ( ) - closely followed by:McDonalds.
So you won't be watching 101 dalmations whilst eating a Big Mac (c) followed by some Toffee crisps then?
I knew a woman who choked on a Toffee Crisp.
Actually that's a lie.
Toffee Crisps used to be great until Nestle got their mits on them. Now they're pants, minging (and any other made up word for crap that my students can come up with).
Actually I love the word minging or minger - it's so fitting.
No, I won't watch 101 Dalmatians or any other Disney film. They peddle WASPIE Imperialist lies.
There's also an ice cool mint yorkie out (at least at my local woolworth's), which says that it's "Too cool for girls." It's in a blue wrapper, if anyone has a desire to go look for it.
It's not too bad, though I don't think I will buy it again. little blue chips of mint sugar in milk choc. Neither too minty nor a great combo, i.e. milk choc and mint. 5/10
I gave the bar to my boyfriend and he didn't seem too impressed by it either.