i haven't actually eaten any chocolate for about 3 months!
my favourite used to be Salt n Shake ..because i didn't need to add the salt if i didn't want to..and that's how i enjoyed them...Saltless..
i remember years and years ago..another or maybe the same company brought out the same sort of thing but with flavours ie tomato..smokey bacon etc...i don't think they did to good as i they didn't seem to stay around for to long..
does anyone else remeber these ?
Seabrook's Salt 'n' Vinegar are fantastic.
I love those too
When a small kid, I used to love Walters' Potato Puffs. I haven't seem them for years though. My favourite flavour was cheese and tomato. Like Lou, these days I prefer Wotzits or Quavers.
i remember potato puffs, they used to sell them in the tuck shop at school for 2 1/2p a packet, the beef ones were my favorite with cheese and tomato a close second
Ooh I loved tangy toms... little balls weren't they?
I liked the salt and vinegar puffs too