I have been wondering how you all discovered this site?
About four years ago, I was searching for information and comment on bars such as Mint Cracknell and I stumbled across the old Forum. I was just looking for nostalgia really but I have exchanged much more than chocolate chat over the years. The range of topics has been enormous.
i was frantic to find out the name of a chocolate bar in the 1980's which i seemed to remember but no-one else did. so i figured there must be a forum somewhere with some people who remembered it also. so i googled it, and hey presto!
it was a milk choccy coconut and cherries bar... which 'Bunny' promptly informed me was a Cabana. Yay!
whatever happened to Bunny?
She's been around since then - I remember her and I never used the old forum.
I found the forum after eating a bar of galaxy promises chocolate.
It was such a disappointment that I decided to look up to see if there were any reviews on the internet about it ...... and voila I found this site.
I was off work sick at the time with a grim virus and had time on my hands. I spent a few days popping in and out viewing the site and giggles so much that I decided to join.