I have decied to inform you lot wha tis selling well in my sisiter shop:
Good seller! - Carburys Tasters
- Mars
- snicker
- lion bars
- Tixs
- bountys
- Areo mint 50g
- starbust strawberry
- galxey milk choc
- galxey caralem
- galxley fruit n nut
- mars delight
ok sellers- mars duo
- snickner duo
- red bountyus
- freddie
- fugdes
- chomps
- darly milk
- tukset delight
- talberlins
- differs
- toffe crips
- fruit pastlies
- Maltesser
- reves
- minstros
- smaeties
BAD seller ( stuff that very hard to move)
- carbuys carmel
- carbys waffer
- carbusy organ crun
- carbuys darly milk
- carbusy crean egg
- carbuys fruint n nut
- KIT KATS! !!!
- crunchies
any surprises?
we do not sell the other 7 carbusy stuff, calmac, terry choch orgna.or waffer, NO ROOM