We haven't had a biscuit thread for ages so here it goes..
This morning i was making a cup of tea to take up to hubbie in bed when I decided I fancied a biscuit. I had a Fox's Golden Crunch and that started me thinking about biscuits we used to have years ago.
We only had them on a Saturday morning. I used to help mum with the Saturday shop. We always started at the bakers (two long flat tins) and then went to the grocers, butchers and greengrocers - all in the little parade of shops. Sometimes we went to the wet fish shop for haddock fo our Saturday tea.
We always went home and had a milky cup of coffee. That was the only time of the week I had coffee. It was made from powder, mixed to a paste and topped up with boiled milk. Sometimes were were lucky enough to have a cake - mum a custard tart and me a madeline. Most times though we had biscuits. I loved Rich Butter Osbourne and Pineapple Finger Creams. Mum liked Bourbons and Milk and Honey Creams.
Later, when living with an Aunt, we went to Woolworths to get bicuits from a counter. You could pick six of these and three of those etc. I remember shortcakes (or digestives??) covered with Caramac chocolate (REAL Caramac).