Incidentally, I never gave you permission to call me by first name. Refrain from doing so.
This one drives me mad too.
The one that really get my teeth on edge is when people refer to men as 'guys'. You even get newsreaders and people who supposedly speak proper English doing it now!
I find it stange that in the north of England, glasses in pubs are known as 'pots'. I first heard this when a friend from Manchester told me her son was 'collecting pots in the pub to earn a bit of cash' I had this picture of someone going round the pub picking up saucepans and frying pans (they are pots in my world!) and I wondered what people drink out of in Manchester!!
Norridge and Ostridge instead of Norwich and Ostrich.
Milyun instead of Million.
As a Christian, Crimbo, I find particularly annoying.
Lecturers calling dissertations 'dissys' make me cringe.
Also when people pronounce 'st' as 'sht' as in 'shtrange'. Not people with a genuine speech impediment of course, just people who pronounce it that way for no apparent reason (such as Jade Goody).
People who say 'pants' to indicate something they don't like.
Also, people who say 'random' when another word would be more appropriate.
People who can't say HOSPITAL and say HOSPICAL like Ashley in corrie
People who can't say kettle and say kekkle
MAD MAD MAD people!!!