Sad: My dishwasher is refusing to melt the tablets.
Cheerful: Erm... something will come to me soon I'm sure...
our work heaters just got switched on meaning we are not cold anymore
heaters on means summer is over and soon it will be dark and cold
Sad: Summer is all but over
Happy: no more sweaty bed sheets.
Sad - I have been under the weather since early may and it seems to be getting worse.
Happy - We started landscaping our garden three years ago but only half finished it. Today we got some men in to make a start on finishing the job.
Sad - Because I know my nan is very very close to death and as much as I don't want her to leave us I know the time has come.
Happy - It's Thursday, which mean's its nearly the weekend.
sad - summer is practically over already.
happy - that means the kids are back to school next week!
Oh, i nearly forgot...
sad...I've got really bad stomach ache and feel horrid
cheerful...umm, why is this so hard? Cheerful because autumn is approaching and it's my favourite season