don;t you mean - White housebuy tI stil stadn by my point!
No, I don't, I mean the Pentagon!
We know
Two planes hit the Twin Towers. One other plane was heading for the White House but the passengers over-powered the terrorists and the plane crashed outside the city. Another plane hit the Pentagon. The plane that hit the Pnetagon is rarely spoken of because the Americans hate to admit their air security was so poor that an unscheduled plane could fly near its airspace and land on it!
If only one plane had been involved that day and it hit the Pentagon only, it would be more well known (hard to hide!) but the other planes and hits provide a smokescreen.
That Puzzle was a bit OF fun Not the situation! that was VERY BAD! but the puzzle was not to be taking serious ,If that wha tyou believe oldspice I appect, it but I still believe there was no plane, if you look at the edvince there stilla couple of un answers questions
There is a load of old tosh on the Internet about the plane not really hitting the Pentagon but it makes no sense at all. Four planes are unaccounted for. Four planes full of people. Where is the plane they say did not hit the Pnetagon? Where are its passengers??
OK, so you say 4,000 Jews didn't turn up for work that day and that is strange.
So what are you actually saying then? That they knew about the attack in advance? Don't you think if that was the case they would have warned their non-Jewish frineds and colleagues?
You cannot make statements of the nature you are making and then claim people are mis-reading them if they take exception to them. I think you are reading too many crank Internet sites. Talk to someone who was actually there and you might start talking sense.