Found today on the BBC news website; I was reading the story about the 3 yachtsmen who died off the Isle of Wight.
Just how much do you think it 'costs' to change a mistake like that? Let me tell you, it takes about five minutes to do and even less time to upload. The designer doing it wouldn't be on more than £8 an hour. The 'huge cost' of this 'stupid' thing? About 80p.
Surely they are already paying editors who should pick up on stuff like this?
Actually they already changed it:
Not apostrophes but spelling, our local Council have just started a massive recycling campaign with new bins etc and huge advertisements have appeared in the local papers asking people to contact the Town Hall if they haven't yet 'recieved' their recycling pack. This was in letters about 2 cm high!
Theirs nuthing wurse than pooher spelling.
Peepul reelay shood tri too bee moar egsacting in there standurdz.