To be fair you threw the first insult with don't let the door hit you on the way out. If you can't take it, don't give it out.
Jesus, this is advice I give to my Oh's children.
“”An you not string a sentence together 62""you listen here you old miserable PERSON WHO cause trouble I will not stoop to youdam level! How dare you insaitle disyck people" in any shape such or form,but I won’t not expect anything else LESS for a right wing FASCIT hilter lovingwoman! I will not be bullied but the like of you! And people like should not be givinga place to advertise, anything
I hope BK msg I hope you told what for!
PLUS salsa if you think it alright for hereto say I have crabs or complain about disylske then WEEL also I thikn you should also give you advice to her!
This whole debacle is hilarious. When Phyllis and 623 were arguing I was pissing myself laughing.
I completely agree, but at the end of the day people here have basically ganged up on PB, and I don't understand why they are being like this. It is tantamount to bullying and I don't like it.
This used to be a nice place to be. I now am actually disgusted with the way people have responded.
i say live and let live. It is like a naughty child, the more attention you give it for naughty behaviour then the worse they will behave.
She was okay, she provided a bit of life and everyone is different, you can't expect everyone to be like you, and act like you. Learn to be tolerant ( this is to the moaners, not you in particular Kev)