Hm - I'm not one for fizzy drinks these days but...
This week - Your Top Five
Hot Puddings
In no particular order:
Spotted Dick
Sticky Ginger Pudding
Jam Roly Poly
Rhubarb Crumble
Hot Lemon Pie
1 Chocolate Fondant
2 Banana Custard
3 Goosberry Souffle
4 Apple and Blackberry Crumble
5 Any Gu pudding that can be heated
Apple and Blackberry Crumble
Plum Pie
Those M and S Chocolate Puddings that melt in the middle
Chocolate and Pear Tart
Treacle Tart
I missed the fizzy drink one:
Ginger beer
Hot puddings:
Apple pie and custard
Heinz treacle pudding
Heinz sponge pud with strawberry jam
Cherry pie and cream