First some FAQs:
Is global warming a reality? Yes, we are getting significantly warmer, although global warming is as much about more frequent stronger winds and more rain than high temperatures. However, the average temperature of the globe as increased by about one degree in the last 20 years. Doesn't sound much but it is and this rate seems to be accelerating.
Is global warming down to man's activities? Yes, but it's not certain how much is also down to natural fluctuations. Greenhouse gases (fossil fuel emissions and methane) are definitely contributing to global warming.
Now the bad news. Unless we cut down on greenhouse gas emissions NOW the sort of weather we experienced last week will be the normal summer weather in the UK by 2030. By the year 2070 we will be having maximum summer temeratures of 45 degrees. Also by then rises in sea temperatures will have put Lincoln on the east coast. There will be rapid desertification of much of south east England. So it's gonna get very uncomfortable for us and our children downright inhospitable for our grandchildren.
This scenario is agreed upon by a concensus of meteoroligists and climate experts it's not just Bounty winding you up. Unfortunately, to make any difference it needs global fossil fuel emission to decrease by 80% in the next five years. The most optimistic assessment of what we will actually achieve is 7%.
Is there anything I can do to stop it? Maybe. 1. Everyone write to their MP asking that they table questions to Blair to put pressure on the USA to cut down their emmissions. 2. Stop buying anything made in China. 3. Stop travelling by motorcars and aeroplanes.
Tough isn't it? I use cars as little as is possible and I have stopped flying. As the biggest growing economy, China will be a major producer of greenhouse gases in the next 20 years; not buying their stuff can't do any harm, but it's a drop in the ocean truth be told.