Lou mentioned snake belts in an earlier post and it made me laugh and think about those little eccentricities of years gone by that you don't see any more.
A part from snake belts I thought of those little green tag thongs boy scouts and cubs used to wear on their socks.
Then I thought of:
Tupperware, Avon, fold-flat rain hoods, knitting machines, those gadgets for getting bobbles off of your wollies.....
any more?
You don't see Avon or rain hoods anymore Oldspice? Both are still very much around where I live!
Things I haven't seen around for ages:
Robot Wars, Tab Clear, Peewee Herman, Handheld sewing machines, streakers, William Woolard, Bodysuits and Ricki Lake.
'Bodies' - Not human bodies obviously, but those curious leotard-type garments with poppers at the crotch that virtually woman owned in the early nineties. They seem to have disappeared without trace!
That's what I mentioned, we called them bodysuits!
Weebles are alive and well and living in Woolworths. Avon is still very much in evidence in this area too - I sometimes buy it myself.
pop sox, free floppy plastic singles you used to get on the front of NME, Jackie Magazine, Radio Luxemberg, leg warmers, string bags, paint wheels, stickle bricks, those skirts with wide bottoms that were actually short trousers. (split skirts - what were they called??)
Culottes? If so they've made an unfortunate comeback?